The 4 month cycle ride is over but we set off this long ago...

The Route We Took

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'It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,' he used to say. 'You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.'

Blog Archive

Wednesday 12 August 2009

The crossroads of Europe

We are in Maastricht, southernmost city of the Netherlands, spitting distance from both Belgium and Germany. We went to Belgium by footferry yesterday for a beer, then crossed our first land border so far on the way back in to Holland. We'll cross our second today on the way to Aachen (Germany will be country number 4 - already).

Progress has been aided by good weather and excellent cycle paths, but hampered by good hospitality and Sophie's strained relationship with her saddle. Luke has been characteristically unsympathetic, but was happy to spend a rest day by the river Maas reading Sherlock Holmes stories and drinking very small beers.

The Dutch are a very civilized people. Complaints are limited to a lack of places to pee outdoors (population density meaning that you are never more than three metres from another person) and unbelievably appalling fast food- specifically SnackPoint (which should be renamed StarvationPoint as that is the only time any sane person should consider eating there.

Current mileage - 586km.


  1. Sorry to hear about the bum, but I hope you are wearing padded lycra like the ones you sent me for the Great Notts ride. even so, 586 km seems excessive! only one 6th of the whole distance.
    Whilst in Aachen, please dont miss the Palatine Chapel, its a most important historic architectural monument...

  2. Wow, that was a long ride yesterday! I hope you have made friends with your saddle by now Soph. x
